Program Listing for File simulation_world.h

Return to documentation for file (voxblox/include/voxblox/simulation/simulation_world.h)


#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

#include "voxblox/core/common.h"
#include "voxblox/core/layer.h"
#include "voxblox/core/voxel.h"
#include "voxblox/simulation/objects.h"

namespace voxblox {

class SimulationWorld {

  virtual ~SimulationWorld() {}

  void addObject(std::unique_ptr<Object> object);

  void addGroundLevel(FloatingPoint height);

  void addPlaneBoundaries(FloatingPoint x_min, FloatingPoint x_max,
                          FloatingPoint y_min, FloatingPoint y_max);

  void clear();

  void getPointcloudFromViewpoint(const Point& view_origin,
                                  const Point& view_direction,
                                  const Eigen::Vector2i& camera_res,
                                  FloatingPoint fov_h_rad,
                                  FloatingPoint max_dist, Pointcloud* ptcloud,
                                  Colors* colors) const;
  void getPointcloudFromTransform(const Transformation& pose,
                                  const Eigen::Vector2i& camera_res,
                                  FloatingPoint fov_h_rad,
                                  FloatingPoint max_dist, Pointcloud* ptcloud,
                                  Colors* colors) const;

  void getNoisyPointcloudFromViewpoint(const Point& view_origin,
                                       const Point& view_direction,
                                       const Eigen::Vector2i& camera_res,
                                       FloatingPoint fov_h_rad,
                                       FloatingPoint max_dist,
                                       FloatingPoint noise_sigma,
                                       Pointcloud* ptcloud, Colors* colors);
  void getNoisyPointcloudFromTransform(const Transformation& pose,
                                       const Eigen::Vector2i& camera_res,
                                       FloatingPoint fov_h_rad,
                                       FloatingPoint max_dist,
                                       FloatingPoint noise_sigma,
                                       Pointcloud* ptcloud, Colors* colors);

  // === Computing ground truth SDFs ===
  template <typename VoxelType>
  void generateSdfFromWorld(FloatingPoint max_dist,
                            Layer<VoxelType>* layer) const;

  FloatingPoint getDistanceToPoint(const Point& coords,
                                   FloatingPoint max_dist) const;

  void setBounds(const Point& min_bound, const Point& max_bound) {
    min_bound_ = min_bound;
    max_bound_ = max_bound;

  Point getMinBound() const { return min_bound_; }
  Point getMaxBound() const { return max_bound_; }

  template <typename VoxelType>
  void setVoxel(FloatingPoint dist, const Color& color, VoxelType* voxel) const;

  FloatingPoint getNoise(FloatingPoint noise_sigma);

  std::list<std::unique_ptr<Object> > objects_;

  // World boundaries... Can be changed arbitrarily, just sets ground truth
  // generation and visualization bounds, accurate only up to block size.
  Point min_bound_;
  Point max_bound_;

  std::default_random_engine generator_;

}  // namespace voxblox


#include "voxblox/simulation/simulation_world_inl.h"